Tree of Life


Tai Chi

Quiet the Mind, Strengthen the Body, Heal the Soul

Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Breath Work can each assist in bringing us back to a natural state of health, strength, and inner peace


Slow Flow YOGA

In Slow Flow Yoga, students move through poses at a gentle pace, focusing on mindfulness and breath awareness. This style of yoga allows individuals to connect with their bodies, calm their minds, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. By moving slowly and intentionally, participants can deepen their practice and find a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. Slow Flow Yoga is suitable for all levels, making it accessible to beginners and experienced yogis alike. Join a class today and experience the benefits of this soothing and revitalizing practice.

When and Where:

Events on Main 145 W. Main Street. Canton GA 30114

Enter the Door to the Right of Chamber House and Studio 5

Tuesdays 12:00 -1:00 & 6:00-7:00pm

$15 Pay in advance or in Person - Sign up to learn more

Bring a yoga mat and any props you may have:

blanket, blocks, strap, and even a bolster if you have one

(a few will be available to borrow)

Tai Chi & Qi Gong

Tai Chi and Qi Gong are gentle forms of exercise that promote harmony between mind and body. Through slow, graceful movements and focused breathing, they offer a peaceful way to improve flexibility, strength, and inner peace. In this class we will learn a short Healing Qi Gong Series which will address each of the 5 elements of traditional Chinese medicine: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each movement in the series is designed to activate and balance the corresponding element within our bodies, promoting overall well-being and vitality. We will also introduce the Tai Chi basic 8-series . By practicing these flowing movements with intention and mindfulness, we can cultivate a deeper connection to our inner energy and restore balance to our physical and emotional selves.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness as we explore the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. This class is perfect for people of all ages seeking a kinder approach to physical activity.*

When and Where:

Heritage Club House* River Green Neighborhood

201 Clubhouse Drive, Canton, GA 30114

(*Go to the left parking lot. Walk around to the back to door, entering through the fitness room. Non-residents will not have key access. Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class begins)

Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm 8-week Series

May 1,8,15,22,29 June 5,12,19

Drop in Class: $15 River Green Residents/ $20 Non-Residents

Full Series Discount: $80 Residents ($10/class)/ $120 Non ($15 per class)

*No mat required. Wear loose comfortable clothing .



Christine Eberhardt, RYT 200, (Tree of Life Yoga & Tai Chi,LLC) is dedicated to teaching yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Breath Practices with a focus on the heart. She emphasizes breath and body awareness rather than perfection in yoga poses. Christine aims to create a supportive atmosphere where students can release self-criticism and improve their mental, physical, and spiritual health. With over two decades of experience in yoga, meditation, and education, Christine is passionate about helping students slow down and practice mindfulness. She is certified as a Yoga Breath Coach and provides workshops and coaching sessions to enhance student well-being. Additionally, Christine is a Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor, continuously expanding her expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a co-creator of the Christ Consciousness Healing Protocol (CCHP), Christine combines her healing techniques with Reiki practices to promote holistic wellness.



Common Questions


Is Tai Chi gentler than yoga?

If you experience joint problems, balance issues, or prefer a more gentle exercise, Tai Chi could be a more suitable option. On the other hand, although yoga can offer a more dynamic physical workout, beginning with a slow flow or yin class and utilizing props can make yoga inclusive for individuals facing physical difficulties. Ultimately, the choice between yoga or tai chi comes down to personal preference, and fortunately, there's no need to pick just one – you can enjoy both practices.


Do I need to bring anything to class?

For yoga class you will need a yoga mat with a grippy surface. It will also help to bring your own props: a yoga blanket, 2 blocks, a strap, and even a bolster if you happen to have one. We will have some props available but you may enjoy having your own to ensure you’ll have what you need and to help with your home practice.

For Tai chi you don’t need a thing. Just wear loose comfortable clothes and flat shoes or bare feet.


What is the difference between Tai Chi and Qi Gong?

  • Qi Gong involves repetitive precise movements aimed at achieving specific physical, emotional, and spiritual goals.
  • Each movement activates different meridians associated with the 5 elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine, linked to specific organs, bodily systems, and emotions.
  • Through the combination of movement and breath, Qi Gong enhances physical strength, releases stagnant emotions, fosters positive emotions, aids in healing, and fosters a connection with one's authentic self.
  • Tai Chi comprises a sequence of Qi Gong movements performed in a continuous form, targeting the entire body, organs, and emotions by circulating chi throughout.
  • Both Tai Chi and Qi Gong can serve as forms of active meditation, helping to calm the mind and enrich spiritual practices.



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